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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

D.I.Y - Studded Ripped Shorts

Well, I'm not a D.I.Y-kind of person so I'm trying my luck on my pair of jeans instead. So if I successfully complete a pair of Studded Ripped shorts, that shows that this D.I.Y task is an easy task for everyone. If not, I'll be just wasting a pair of old jeans away only lor. HAHA.
We shall see the outcome ;) 

What you need:
- A nail filer 
- Chalk 
- Metal/wooden ruler
- Pen knife
- Scissors 


First, cut the jeans. Advise to wear it first and then use the chalk prepared to draw the line. You may try to draw it slightly longer because you can easily cut it shorter as you want to later on. 

Cut it slightly downwards and not horizontally straight. 

Next up, face the nicely cut jeans with the other side and start cutting.

Start to shred the bottom of the jeans on both sides (the thigh opening) with a pair of scissors.
The more you continue the action, the more shredded it'll look.

As you're done with the shredding, move on to the next step with your nail filer.

Rub on the part where you wanna rip your shorts. Due to friction, the part being filed will appears to be thinner and hence easier to rip it later. 

Start ripping with the pen knife prepared.

You may also want to put the remaining cloth underneath the part where you wanna rip to prevent ripping the back of the shorts as well.

Let's start studding now! You may want to get studs from too! They have a wide range of different studs available. They are selling triangle studs and spikes too! 

Use chalk to draw first before studding to ensure exact measurements of the design wanted ;)

Here's the outcome of my shorts!!!!
Love it love it! 

Gonna get down to Scape flea markets for cheap jeans short and D.I.Y it already. SO NAISE ley me like me like (HAHHAHA BLOODY HELL, 'ME LIKE ME LIKE' sounds like some act-cute wanna be HAHAHAHAHAHHAA).

So yep, such D.I.Y-idiot like me can already successfully D.I.Y-ed a pair of shorts. *OMG i'm so proud of myself anyway* and hence I believe, everyone has the capability to D.I.Y themselves as well.
Gonna try dip dye shorts soon. I hope everything goes well for an extremely clumsy girl like me!

Vanny Rosabella