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Monday, February 18, 2013

Overpopulated Singapore...

I just got to know the news of The White Paper of bringing in more foreigners in Singapore by the year 2030 through the news few days back...Increasing the population in Singapore to 6.9 million people...

Singapore is my homeland. I have always been supporting Singapore for the past 18 years and hence seeing this matter really importantly. Recently, me and my 2 ladies were having our routine chit-chats and unknowingly getting ourselves into this subject. And now, I am getting really worried of our situation as we grow up as an adult after the age of 21.

To be frank, we are still young and still studying studiously as a student. One trying her best to pass her 'O' level through MDIS this year after regretted quitting school at the age of 15. One has been trying her best and has always been hardworking towards her studies is now trying to pass her Diploma in Republic Polytechnic. As me, I sincerely regretted not putting in effort during my Secondary School days and has finally woke up to my senses, has managed to pass my Diploma through private school (Kaplan) and now taking my Degree under Murdoch University in Perth. Because we all know Singapore is a competitive city. Just like how our relatives and parents said: "In Singapore, no cert, you're nothing."

I am thankful for this beautiful vibrant city, beautiful country. Even thankful for the effort our most amiable PM Lee has put in to make our living environment a much better place. Having Singapore a stable and secured place to live in. I've always heard people complaining such as:

"Walao, this increase, that increase, WHY MY SALARY NO INCREASE?!" 
"Everything also fine, everything also need to pay. Singapore is a 'fine' city indeed".

Even through my assignment essay, I have never ever discourage anyone or neither agree to any of the above. 

Firstly, because Singapore's economic is strong. We are financially stabled as compared to other countries around us. Apart from that, simply look at our rapid increase of GDP rate ($239.7 Billion US dollars as at google search in year 2011) and look at our HDI (Human Development Index), we're ranked 7th among the WHOLE Asia and Oceania. 
Yes, I am very proud of the establishment in Singapore. All along I am proud of Singapore, be it with the safety, the benefits for its people, and how united Singaporean is. 

But why.. 

Singaporean is protesting now.. what happened to our beautiful city..

5000 citizens were upset, disappointed, worried, angry, agitated and maybe impulsive (to even put up a protest) turned up for the protest in against with the government's white paper on population Speaker's corner. And all these 5000 citizens does not represent those who did not turn up either (example: me and my 2 closest best friends). 

We are worried instead of angry. 

Taking the train during peak hours has become a hassle. I am thankful that many routes has been implemented for our convenience and many still working on it (explaining so many roads under constructions etc), and thankful that the highway towards Stevens road was being expanded/widen so that to ensure a smoother traffic during peak hours.
 But with the huge amount of new population coming in to fight seats in the MRT with us poor Singaporeans after school during peak hour, having inconsiderate china woman speaking loudly on the phone, or got pushed by them hardly when the train is already crowded enough, having them to drive during peak hours... now we're afraid of having MORE china people (not trying to condemn or stereotype, but as based on the numerous experiences and what I've saw since I was 13 till now in SIngapore) to speak loudly on the phone in the train / bus. Having more china ladies to push us hardly when it's squeezy in the public transport. I actually don't blame them. I have been to china for numerous times as well. This is their culture because the population there is huge and in order to 'protect' themselves, they have to act this way. I was acting THAT way when I was in china as well. But please don't forget, once they are in Singapore, that's a different case. Not everyone is used to that culture. 
As for widening the lanes on highway, if more foreigners are coming to Singapore in year 2030, it will not make a difference anymore. The highway is still going to be congested with cars of the foreigners together with us poor Singaporeans during peak hours or probably be worst than what we see now in later years to come.

Will we get to see foreigners snatching more of our jobs? 
Does that means we gotta study TRIPLE hard now in order to protect ourselves in our own country from 'invasion' of foreigners to snatch our jobs? 
Can we have a public transport that is ONLY available for Pure Singaporean Citizens (born in SG)? 
As the increase of foreign talents, now working at 'GONG CHA' (bubble tea shop) already need minimum 'O'/'A' level cert. Next time work retail sell clothes, will the minimum requirement for a sales girl be Diploma cert? 
Will we get to see 'N'/'O' level graduated adults working illegal jobs which there may be an increase of crime rates?

Due to many parents over-doting their child nowadays in Singapore, will their child grow up and able to accept and handle all these stress? Will they hence get to know the bad company in order to have 'fun' everyday which resulting in neglecting their studies and an increase of crime rates instead? 

Will more china bus driver work for SMRT? I've witnessed for myself a few china bus drivers being either very rude to passengers or extremely 'bo chup' (hack care). 

Will there be more Bangladesh workers staring at us girls and smirk at us whenever we dress prettily with make up etc? 

Felt so insecure just by thinking of it....

What will Singapore look like in another 10 years time is going to be beyond our imagination. 

As Singapore students study hard for their future now, will they migrate to other countries to work for their economics in future instead of squeezing in this overpopulated Singapore to work for Singapore's instead? 

For me, If I pass my Degree and knowing Singapore is so going to be overpopulated, I won't be working in Singapore. Singapore is my HOMELAND. At this point, I know I am selfish. Why am I sharing my homeland, my job, my space with foreigners? They have their homeland isn't it? Don't they love their country? Won't they miss their homeland? I understand if they were out of choice (eg: overpopulated China). But for us now Singapore, it's a decision, it's a choice. I want to work for Singapore, I want to repay to this society as well. I want to... 

I have signed the petition here. I just hope by year 2030 when I'm still in Singapore, I will still know how to acknowledge myself as a Singaporean and not being confused and lost with all the foreigners around me... 

This are just my thoughts and feelings as a 100% local Singaporean.

Vanny Rosabella